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Using technology creatively.

Convince yourself of the advantages of our bespoke solar foil.

Projekte: 829924 und 821877; SimpliCIS und SimpliCIS 2 Flexible DŸnnschichtsolarmodule; Fa. Sunplugged-Solare Energiesysteme GmbH; Mag. Andreas Zimmermann; 0699 10090546; andreas.zimmermann@sunplugged.info

In order to achieve an unprecedented freedom of design, Sunplugged develops its own proprietary thin-film solar cell since 2010. Our photovoltaic modules are lightweight, flexible and easy to integrate. Even low quantities can be produced economically and the design is optimized according to the requirements of our customers.

Due to our proprietary production process we are able to provide photovoltaic modules in any shape: rectangular, trapezes or round shapes. We provide high efficiency solar material based on CIGS (Cadmium, Indium, Gallium and Selenide) technology. Sunplugged’s solarfoil uses a specially designed semiconductor to achieve high efficiencies. Our target efficiency for first applications is in the range of 10-12%, depending on module layout and shape.

Projekte: 829924 und 821877; SimpliCIS und SimpliCIS 2 Flexible DŸnnschichtsolarmodule; Fa. Sunplugged-Solare Energiesysteme GmbH; Mag. Andreas Zimmermann; 0699 10090546; andreas.zimmermann@sunplugged.info

To the meet the requirements of engineers and designers, our process is similar to how a tailor shop works; the fabric, or basic material, is an endless thin-film solar cell which is then tailored to individual requirements. Customers decide on a desired voltage shape and size. On this basis we calculate the optimal contacting for the solar module. The solar fabric is cut to the desired shape and size.