There´s nothing like the sun for powering our devices, vehicles and buildings in a clean and renewable way.
Photovoltaics (PV) is the only renewable energy source that can be directly integrated in buildings and devices of end consumers. Our mission is to help to develop products that are energy- self-sufficient just by harnessing the rays of the sun.
We do this by two ways:
Solar integrated engineering
We accompany companies who want to use photovoltaics in their product offerings.
Whether you want to power a wearable device under low-light conditions or bring an extra value to your customer by adding decentralized, point-of-use electricity generation in your product: We support with experience and know-how.
Made-to-measure solar foil
We are developing new materials and photovoltaic modules that match the requirements of integrated photovoltaics.
Solar integrated engineering projects

First Austrian solar bus
Semi-flexible photovoltaic modules developed by Sunplugged for Austria´s first solar-powered bus

Solar-powered lawn mower
Trapez-shaped photovoltaic modules developed by Sunplugged for solar-powered lawn mower.

Smartwindow with luminescent solar concentrator technology. For this application Sunplugged developed thin-film solar modules with optimised spectral response. The ultra-slim photovoltaic modules are integrated in the insulated glass spacer.